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Sorry folks, but due to the necessary social distancing with the Covid-19, the Annual 2020 MICS Pancake Breakfast, Our spring MICS fundraising event, has been cancelled. For the health of our Community here on MUDGE, MICS has elected to not hold this event this Spring.

YOUR Donations and Membership are still very important.

Without MEMBERSHIP, we cannot pursue government funding. This is an annual requirement. Without DONATIONS, we cannot supply resources for fire fighting here on MUDGE. Without YOU, we cannot function!

WE are only successful because YOUR DONATIONS make us successful and in these hard times we ask those who can, to please do. YOUR support to maintain OUR fire equipment and resources is OUR only way to ensure OUR little haven stays that way. DONATIONS can be made by clicking the donations tab on the right hand side or by etrans to MICS Accounting or by cheque send to:

Mudge Island Citizen’s Society
4-590 North Road, Gabriola Island BC
V0R 1X3

WE SUGGEST A PANCAKE BREAKFAST FACEOFF…send us your pics of your pancakes breakfast to post on our website. We can still celebrate!!! Send pictures to INFO.

Please update your registration/membership and remember this is an annual need to apply for funding.

Thank you all for your participation and generosity! Let’s keep MUDGE safe and healthy!!! The Corona Virus will be with us for some time and as much as we all want it to be over, there will still be challenges well into the future. As they are saying, act as if you are infected to ensure not only your safety but others!

Thank You.The Board of MICS.